Status Update

It has been a long time since I blogged and there have been many reasons and most important one being that I was sort of lost, I am not saying that I am no longer lost, but I am in a much better way than what I was a few years ago.

I have been gainfully employed throughout this period, but the world has changed. And I have changed. I have always been waiting for when I do the things that I want to do. And mostly I want to learn cool things and do nerdy stuff. I think I had the realization that it won’t be ever the case that you get a clean break and restart from the beginning. You have to do the best in whatever time that you have got.

So with that in mind, I have decided to take control of things. I am working as a branch manager and there are certainly upsides of this job, the most important one being a certain amount of leeway that I have available and I thank god for that. However, that is not all.

Ever since I was a child I have dreamt of glory and that glory has always meant winning awards and doing scientific things that wow the world. I know, showoff. However, I have never acted on things. I can’t let my dreams be dreams forever.